
Zebra Cake

Menu : Zebra Cake

Ingredients A
1. 100 gram All Purpose Flour
2. 100 gram Cake Flour
3. 2 tablespoon Milk Powder
4. 1 1/2 teaspoon Baking powder
5. 1/4 teaspoon Salt
6. 150 gram Super fine sugar

Ingredients B
1. 15 gram Ovalet
2. 5 Eggs
3. 1/2 teaspoon Vanilla
4. 1/4 teaspoon Egg Yellow color
5. 100 gram Evaporated Milk

Ingredients C (mixed togerther)
1. 30 gram Melted Butter
2. 15 gram Coco Powder
3. 30 gram Melted Butter

Sifted ingredients A together use whisk just to combine
Put ingredients B together use whisk just to combine, pour in A mixture
Use Hand-mixer beat on low speed 20 seconds, chnge to high speed 5 minutes change to low speed pour melted butter a little at a time about 1 minutes
Separated 2 parts of the mixtures, half of the mixture mixed with ingradients C mixed well
Put some of butter around inside the pot, Press"START"andleave it for 3-5 minutes.
Spoon the mixture to the electric rice cooker by switch the color a little at a time
Select menu"CAKE"then Press "START"again steam for about 40-45 minutes